The political party CAR remobilizes its members at Adjengré in Sotouboua District
Écrit par © Afreepress©Afreepress-(Lomé, le 12 juin 2017)- «Continue in the country behold the enlightening work of the population over the goodness of democracy so that the democratization process started» in the 90s and that «was sometimes interrupted, continue to its end for all Togolese interest».
It is the mission the leading committee of the Comité d’Action pour le Renouveau (CAR) has been conferred by the delegates from the five (05) federation of the central region, Tchaoudjo, Sotouboua, Blitta, Tchamba and the plain of Mô, gathered in seminar on Saturday at Adjengré in Sotouboua District.
The meeting took place under the supervision of the national President of that party, M. Yawovi AGBOYIBO.
Delegates attending the meeting noted that "there are many economic and social difficulties people face in providing households with drinking water, electrification of localities, health facilities, schools, roads Traffic, access to agricultural inputs, jobs and public contracts depending on whether one is on the edge of the regime or on the side of the proponents of change, "said the communiqué that sanctioned the meeting.
Delegates expressed particular displeasure at the trend of the natives of their locality to "service the regime, to scare the population by poisoning about the alternation of democracy to accept them, that being of the same geographical edge as the leader in they have a vested interest in voting in their favor, "said the statement signed by Me Yawovi Agboyibo.
The party announces a "large" public meeting scheduled for the central region in the coming weeks.
Traduit par : Komlan AGBOSSOUMONDE,
Traducteur Agréé Près les Cours et Tribunaux du Togo
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