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Écrit par @AFreePress Catégorie : ENGLISH
Publié le 22 Mai 2012 Affichages : 12

(©Afreepress.info/ Lomé, the 22st)-

soldatECOWAS experts from educational ministries met in Lomé on Monday to finalize the educational guide aiming at fighting against wars.

This meeting will cover five days during which the experts of ECOWAS will harmonize the different approaches states have on how to cultivate peace, human rights, citizenship, democracy and African integration, according to Kouakou Roland.

It is very important, he said, that all African countries cultivate peace when we know they all have been in war during these last twenty years.

This will be possible only through mental change and through an educational system taking into account this serious matter.

« It is in the mind of our children that we can create the environment of peace needed. For this purpose we are giving a document which will help build and cultivate peace inAfrica” stated Kouakou Roland.

The representative of UNESCO, Dieudonné Nikiéma said that education is the only way to reach peace.

This document will be validated in 15 countries of ECOWAS in July 2012.


Красивые дома. Загородные дома. Коттеджи. Виллы


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