Successful end of the AGOA forum
©Afreepress-(Lomé, friday, August 11, 2017)- The 16th edition of the forum of the Trade and Economic Cooperation between the US and sub-Saharan African countries, with the theme, “Les Etats Unis et l’Afrique : Partenariat pour la prospérité à travers le Commerce” has come to an end on a good note on Thursday, 11th August, 2017.
The Togolese government suggested that, this meeting was an opportunity for participants to discuss opportunities offered by AGOA and state things that hinder African States from taking full advantage of the partnership. They also talked about measures to be taken or put in place in order to solve the problem and change the situation.
Decisions were made at the end of this meeting, one of which includes, “visa granted to Togo for the export of its textiles to the US market”. Ms. Bernadette Legzim-Balouki, Minister of Trade and Promotion of the Public sector brought the meeting to an end by expressing the gratitude of the President of the Republic, Faure Gnasssingbé, to the participants.
All stakeholders have so far, shown commitment to making AGOA a successful partnership between the United States of America and Africa.
Patricia I.
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