Difficulties and constraints of social entrepreneuriat in the middle of a meeting the next 11th May in Lomé
©Afreepress-(Lomé, April 18, 2018)- The social entrepreneuriat will be in the middle of an international conference of a high level in Lomé. The meeting which is organized upon the US Embassy, Transnational Incorporated (ETI) and the Firm ALAFIA's inituative will be held Friday May 11, 2018 at Ecobank's headquarter in Lomé, Afreepress Agency has been aware of.
Under the theme:"Innovate, impact and develop in solidarity", this conference through a communiqué from the US Embassy in Togo, will be an opportunity to "discuss social enterprises as a vector for sustainable development, and challenges to which firms are confronted". Challenges linked to the funding, to social pattern in a very changing social context, to legal framework will constitute the agenda.
The participants to this meeting will grant this opportunity to get projected into the future in order to explore new opportunities offered by technological progress to the sector of social firms.
The conference is free of charge and open to entrepreneurs, decision takers, business lawyers, investors, local development actors and any person simply interested by social enterprise. These people may register till April 26, 2018 by filling in a form and sending it accessible to the link: https://bit.ly/2HfHkHy, indicates Togo US Embassy's communiqué.
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