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Écrit par @AFreePress Catégorie : ENGLISH
Publié le 17 Mars 2014 Affichages : 642

© Afreepress (Lomé, the 17th, march 2014 ) — Churches support women to speak out on access rights to land and farming resources in Togo. The Fellowship of Christian Council in West Africa invites member churches of the Christian Council together with WILDAF Togo to celebrate international Women’s Day. They call for the realization of the right to food for everyone.

“We, the Churches join into the celebration of International Women’s Day, to value and strengthen women’s right for creating just and equitable societies and their contribution to spiritual and physical life.” Rev Mitre president of the Christian Council of Togo, calls upon delegates of Togolese Churches and government representatives: “For the sake of human dignity in the image of God, we mobilize our constituencies and national government to strengthen women’s access to land and productive resources for agriculture!”

“The Lord has provided all the resources necessary to ensure that no one needs to suffer from hunger and starvation [Genesis 9:2-3]. But, whereas a few are profiting from God’s abundant creation, many others are not gaining most needed support for all of us to live our life’s according to God’s will. Whereas, it is our women who produce up to 80 % of the food, they are the first to suffer from missing incomes, abuse and hunger in rural areas.”

M. Joel Bataka Focal Point of PNIASA at the Ministry of Agriculture supports Churches campaign for gender equity says: “Legal conditions for purchasing or inheriting land are restraint; women hold only one quarter of all land titles in Togo. If they had the same access to land and productive investments as men, then they would strengthen food security and increase food production by at least 20-30 %.”

With their initiative churches give voice to women, suffering from land deprivation and lacking access to means of production. “The futures for food production and security depends to large extend on the use of unexploited potential. This especially regards women, being farmers, but also most important food processors and market vendors.” Explains Madame Philomene Amouzou, togolese national campaign coordinator for food security: “This years’ slogan for International Women’s Day, equality for women is progress for all, inspires churches to support women to gain the same access to education, health, food and land. Churches are called to mobilize communities for action in guaranteeing meaning in praying ‘give us this day our daily bread’. Jesus wants the prayer for daily bread be answered and so must the church and governments in Africa: We must work together for equal rights and the realization of the Right to food for all.”

Красивые дома. Загородные дома. Коттеджи. Виллы


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