© Afreepress (Lomé, the 24th March 2014)- Two experts coming from United Kingdom (UK) in the behalf of the association Mission Enfant pour Christ International (MECI), are in Togo since the 12th of March to give professionals and parents of children with learning disabilities some enhancement to allow them to educate these children. They held six meetings with professionals, students and parents on the main topic “the impact of autism and the other handicaps”.
“We are really pleased to welcome Mr Andy Wilson and PhD Maggie Wilson who are experts in UK for working in for autism. They come to Togo to work with MECI and also with schools involved in Lomé and with ARPHM, the Association for Parents with children suffering from handicap in Togo”, said to Afreepress Agency the director of programs, Elisabeth Numadi.
As far as the two experts, Mr Andy Wilson and Miss Maggie Wilson are concerned, children in such cases need a particular education.
“We are talking to people about children with learning disabilities. We are trying to let people know that they are children and they can be educated and also say that they have a useful function in society”, said Mr Andy Wilson.
What did exactly do the experts and MECI responsible with persons they met on these six meetings?
“We organized for two days in the campus in Lomé for the students in sociology to be able to come in about autism and mental handicaps and impacts for people living with disabilities. So we have these two days how to teach children staff and parents to learn more about how to teach children with learning disabilities or autism and how to understand what is the causes so that they can help parents and families to work with the children and to live more comfortably and more ably with hope that children come to make development and improvement such as language skills and the education skills”, explained Miss Numadi.
“We are really happy to provide information about this condition so that people can understand better, be more informed in the practices in the family, so for example on the 14th and on the 21st in Lomé in Centre Communautaire de Tokoin, we held training session to parents on the same subject. And the parents really understand this is the child they have and they can be more patient with their child, to be more loving with their child, it is the way how the child is thinking and he is developing and ready to work with the child they have for the great improvement”, added she.
To over the sessions, educators of the school called Envol have discussed for 4 hours with the experts on the same topic.
Telli K.